Whistleblower Alleges CIA Blocked Interview Of Hunter Biden’s Financial Backer In Tax Probe

New documents released by House Republicans on Wednesday revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) allegedly prevented the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from interviewing a key financial supporter of Hunter Biden during the tax investigation into President Joe Biden’s son.

The claim was made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley who testified that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf informed the prosecution team they could no longer pursue Kevin Morris as a witness after attending a classified briefing at CIA headquarters in August 2021.

According to Shapley’s affidavit, Wolf and Department of Justice (DOJ) tax attorney Jack Morgan were summoned to the CIA’s Langley Virginia facility where they were briefed on Morris’s involvement in the Hunter Biden tax investigation. Following the meeting, Wolf reportedly told the team that the IRS “could no longer pursue” an interview with Morris as a witness without disclosing the reasons provided by the CIA.

Morris an entertainment lawyer in Hollywood California has been known as Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” due to the substantial payments he has made to cover the troubled first son’s expenses. He has reportedly spent at least $6.5 million on Hunter Biden’s legal fees child support and luxurious living arrangements in California.

Shapley who supervised line agents investigating Hunter Biden’s potential criminal violations said he attempted to arrange a classified briefing on the CIA’s information about Morris but Wolf “ignored multiple attempts” to schedule the meeting. He described the incident as another example of “deviations from normal investigative processes” in the Hunter Biden probe.

The revelation raises questions about the CIA’s involvement in the investigation and the nature of the classified information that led to the decision to block Morris’s interview. The CIA has not responded to requests for comment on the matter.