Whistleblowers Claim John Kerry Used Alias Email As Secretary Of State

A recent whistleblower report alleges that former Secretary of State John Kerry utilized a false government email address during his tenure in the Obama administration. The report, highlighted by Fox News, was detailed in a letter from Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) to current Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The senators are seeking answers regarding Kerry’s compliance with federal records laws.

According to the whistleblowers, Kerry used the email address “[email protected]” while serving as Secretary of State during President Barack Obama’s second term. Senators Grassley and Johnson are questioning whether Kerry adhered to federal records regulations and whether responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests included this email address.

“We want to know whether then-Secretary Kerry properly complied with all federal records laws and regulations with respect to his official email communications and whether responses to relevant Freedom of Information Act requests have properly included that email address in productions to requestors,” the senators wrote in their letter.

This revelation adds to a pattern of high-ranking Democratic officials allegedly failing to comply with federal records laws by using private or alias email addresses instead of official government addresses. Notably, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced significant scrutiny for her use of a private email server during her time in office, a controversy that played a role in her 2016 presidential election defeat. More recently, it was disclosed that Joe Biden used several non-government email addresses while serving as vice president.

“To-date, the Biden administration has failed to address Joe Biden’s compliance with federal records laws,” Grassley and Johnson added. They further inquired about the State Department’s process for archiving Kerry’s email correspondences from this account and whether it was used for official business.

The senators have given Secretary Blinken a deadline of July 1st to respond to their inquiries.