Motorist Charged After Alleged Assault On Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx

A Chicago man, William Swetz, 34, is facing charges after allegedly assaulting Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx near her home on Friday. The incident involved Swetz using his truck to threaten Foxx and throwing a liquid substance at her. Sources informed Fox 32 Chicago that Foxx was walking close to her home when Swetz began hurling profanities at her and nearly ran her over with his vehicle. According to court documents, Foxx had to step off the road onto the grass to avoid being hit.

Foxx responded to Swetz’s aggressive behavior with a hand gesture, which allegedly led Swetz to throw a brown liquid from a drink cup onto her face. The police report further details that Swetz reversed his truck and accelerated toward Foxx. Although Foxx was not injured, Swetz now faces charges of aggravated assault with a motor vehicle and aggravated battery in a public place.

Foxx, who has held her position since 2016, has previously been in the spotlight for her handling of significant cases involving Jussie Smollett and R. Kelly. Despite facing criticism, she remains a prominent figure in Cook County’s legal system. Her decisions have sparked debates on criminal justice reform and prosecutorial discretion, making her a controversial figure in the public eye.

This recent incident highlights the potential dangers and hostility that public officials can encounter. The charges against Swetz serve as a reminder of the need for safety and respect for those in public service. As Foxx continues her tenure, the incident underscores the challenges she faces both professionally and personally.