Mark Moyar, a former Trump appointee, is highlighting the need for President Donald Trump to take a strong approach in dealing with the federal bureaucracy if he wins another term. Moyar, who wrote Masters of Corruption after his time at USAID, revealed how career bureaucrats actively worked to sabotage his efforts to expose corruption and make changes.
Moyar’s story is not unique. During Trump’s first term, federal employees organized a “Resistance” to block many of his key policies. These bureaucrats leaked sensitive information, delayed decisions, and used their influence to slow down Trump’s agenda. Moyar experienced this firsthand when his security clearance was delayed, preventing him from doing his job effectively.
To combat this, Trump has proposed Project 2025, a plan to drastically cut the size of the federal government by removing employees who are actively working against conservative reforms. While Trump has not fully endorsed the plan, Moyar argues that such measures are critical to avoid the gridlock and sabotage that plagued Trump’s first term.
Trump has also proposed bringing in Elon Musk to lead a comprehensive audit of the federal government. Musk has expressed support for reducing the size of the government by a significant amount, noting that cuts of more than “two or three percent” are necessary. Moyar agrees that cutting down on the number of bureaucrats is essential for any future conservative administration to function effectively.
Moyar’s experience is a reminder of the challenges any Republican president will face when dealing with a hostile bureaucracy. Without drastic measures, Moyar warns that federal employees will continue to obstruct reforms that millions of Americans voted for.