Roman Catholics accustomed to a litany of borderline heresies from Pope Francis received a welcome surprise. At a conference on anthropology held at the Vatican, the pontiff declared radical gender politics to be the “ugliest danger”
Pope Francis is trending & I see this👇
“Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology,"
It is the only 7 words that I & the pope agree on. He could have left it at that. #MyStory @Pontifex pic.twitter.com/JnERV5Iljv— Denise Schroh🇨🇦 (@Denise13F) March 1, 2024
The conference, entitled “Man, Woman, Image of God: For an Anthropology of Vocations,” is being held by a French-based organization called Research and Anthropology of Vocations Institute (CRAV).
“It is very important that there is this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences,” said Pope Francis in his morning address to conference attendees.
He continued with a decisive proclamation in keeping with Church doctrine that has been out of character for this Pope: “Erasing differences is erasing humanity.”
The pontiff implored his audience to recognize there is more to life than just “science,” warning against “reducing the human being to his sole material needs or primary needs as if he were an object without conscience and without will, simply dragged by life as part of a mechanical gear.”
His speech concluded by stating a belief common to all Christian denominations, namely “man and woman are created by God and are the image of the Creator.”
The two-day conference features 15 speakers over two days and will examine scientific issues from the perspective of the Christian faith.
Pope Francis has espoused leftist, Marxist ideology from the start of his papacy. This has been troubling to devout, traditional Catholics. The current pontiff has shown particular fixation on LGBT issues, as his perceived sympathy for the cause had led to him being featured on the cover of the radical LGBT magazine The Advocate back in 2013. He also angered Catholics worldwide with his letter Fiducia supplicans, which laid the framework for the blessing of gay couples.
His other writings could be mistaken for those of the U.S. Democrat Party. This notably includes two of his five encyclical letters — Laudato Si and Laudate Deum — which were entirely dedicated to environmental and “climate change” issues. Many Catholics objected on the grounds that the Pope cannot speak authoritatively on issues of science and therefore “climate change” has no place in a Papal encyclical.
While Roman Catholics believe the Pope has the gift of “infallibility”, this is actually a negative protection. It means that the Pope can never teach error as doctrine in matters of faith or morals. It does not apply to matters of science.