Colorado Family Faces Legal Battle to Evict Squatters From Elderly Father’s Home

William Towns, a 76-year-old man with dementia, is at the center of a troubling situation in Colorado Springs after squatters allegedly took over his home. Towns’ daughters say their father initially invited a homeless woman to help around the house, but she soon moved in with her boyfriend, son, and belongings.

According to the family, the squatters have caused chaos in the home. They have reportedly started a mushroom-growing operation in the living room, engaged in underage drug use, and regularly harassed Towns. The elderly man, who had lived in the house for decades, now feels unsafe and uncomfortable in his own home.

Efforts to remove the squatters have been unsuccessful. Local police have informed the family that, because the squatters were invited inside, it is not considered trespassing. The family now faces the long and expensive legal eviction process, which could take months.

Towns’ daughters have launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover the steep legal costs associated with evicting the squatters. “We are desperate to help our father reclaim his home, but the system is not on our side,” the family stated. The squatters, meanwhile, continue to occupy the home, making daily life difficult for the elderly man.